I find yard work to be one of the hardest things to get done while caring for 3 kids. Whenever I finally get Nate down for a nap, I am busy getting everything picked up around the inside of the house. Weeding has been my job in the past few years and the overgrown flower beds are evidence of my slacking abilities.
So this week I was determined to get all of our Crape Myrtles and butterfly bushes trimmed before it was too late. I usually do them in late March but I have already seen trees blooming in our neighborhood. I don't have much advice on how to trim these bushes except by way of mistakes of the past. We have trimmed our butterfly buses down to 1 foot and that was a mistake. We almost lost one of them. But if you leave them with no pruning, they have very little color. So I try to trim back to about 2-3 feet high, noticing where there is dead wood from last season. Trim those branches as far back as possible since they did not grow well last season.
As for Crape Myrtles, there are many opinions out there. I have tried all of them. Conservative cutting, trimming off all of the new growth works best. And I love the way they look with no branches coming off the bottom. Clean trunks and bright cheerful blooms - that is what I go for.
Here is our brush pile. I don't think it will fit in the trash can. Abby enjoyed riding her bike and playing with Rusty while I was working.
I worked as fast as I could while Nate watched in the stroller. He lasted for a while - it was so pretty outside today.
Abby made a special treat for the birds that have been filling our yard. We shall see if the birds or the squirrels get these Cheerios. She is excited to take this old bird's nest to school. It was at the top of the Crape Myrtles.
I know this is not some super crafty/handy project. But for me, this was a huge accomplishment. I miss being outside and working in my yard. The big kids are great helpers in the yard but juggling outdoor projects and naps is hard. We are talking about planting some veggies and building a tree house this year. The kids are already drawing up plans. So happy for warm weather ahead...
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